The Heartbeat of God is YOU!

Obligations…..we all have some. We are overbooked with deadlines, over worked at our jobs, over looked by peers and overwhelmed with family activities. We wonder sometimes how to meet our commitments and eek out some time for ourselves, family and friends. How can we pay all the bills, meet the need of our loved ones and be there for everything else without compromising our own peace and tranquility? In these stressful days, we’ve seemed to have lost the art of relationship. We don’t take walks with our spouses like we used to or take the kids to the park as often as we should. Even digging into a great book in our leisure time has become a lost pleasure for most of us. We are so consumed with duties but empty on how to relate to our fellowman. When do we just slow down, to take an inventory to re-evaluate the importance of all we do, or lack thereof?

God knows that there are essential tasks that have to be completed to sustain our lives but our society seems to have a deficit when meeting our commitment to Him. We remember to pay debts but fail to give praise to the one who has provided employment. We care for our families but many times are too busy to worship the one who keeps them healthy. Why do we seek to be blessed, yet ignore the one who sheds an abundance of grace on us each day?

Continue reading “The Heartbeat of God is YOU!”

He Shed, She Shed But What Has God Said?

chapterThis past weekend I attended a home and patio show in my city. One of the vendors was selling sheds. These were not the structures one would see anywhere in America that is usually placed in the backyard to house their gardening tools. He was selling sheds as a counterpart to the man cave concept. He asked me was I in the market for one and I politely declined. He inquired why while sharing how beautiful they are, how they offer a place of solace and serenity etc. I reiterated that I wouldn’t need one. I replied to him that I have a home. He seemed puzzled while becoming irritated that he obviously wouldn’t make a sale with me that day. I explained to him that separate spaces are not the answer for a happy family; no matter how beautifully arrayed the structure. At this point he rudely walked away. The idea followed me home and God began to deal with me about how our society seeks separateness, yet yearn for relationship. Continue reading “He Shed, She Shed But What Has God Said?”

Foundational Truths

BB2013I take great pride in letting people know I’m from New York City. In my opinion, it was the best place in the world to grow up. In NYC, there exists such a variety of cultures that make living there very exciting. I was raised in the borough of Brooklyn, NY yet love to share little known facts about New York City in general. Why? Because I love my city! Recently, while in attendance at a seminar Continue reading “Foundational Truths”

The Blessing of a Judas

Luke 22:47-49

It’s that time of year again. The spring season will be kicked off by Easter or Resurrection Day as some refer to it and I went to see a new movie about the life of Christ.  There is nothing new there; millions of us seem to become more spiritual at this time of year as it is hailed the MOST HOLY season. It’s considered a holier time of year than Christmas for many. What was most poignant for me during this film was that my heart focused on something new. Like most people, I usually focus on Christs’ death and resurrection, but not this time. Continue reading “The Blessing of a Judas”

Doomsday Predictions & YOU!

DoomsdayRecently, it has been in the news that December 21st 2012 is the END OF THE ENTIRE WORLD! Now, as foreboding as this my seem, I think we need to take a deeper look into how we’re responding to this news more than worry about whether that date is the END. Walk with me on this thought for a second. What if that was the date the world was ending. What would you do?  Continue reading “Doomsday Predictions & YOU!”

Let God Pull It Out of You

We all have it…baggage. We all have some broken dream, disappointing loss, rejection via unrequited love or abandonment by a loved one to contend with in our lifetime. Our lives may hold some personal triumphs but the thing that holds us back most are the failures. They seem to privately abound within us even more than our public victories. In spite of the pain we endure, the bottom line is this…We need to put away the baggage of our past! Our history, good or not so good seems to follow us around, year after year keeping us bound to an action or a memory. Its only purpose is to constantly remind us of an error we’d rather forget. The hold can become so foreboding that we struggle to face our future with optimism because the demons in our past torment us so. Our talents are smoldering beneath the veil of fear as our past whispers negativity to our hearts. Just having the desire to escape the indiscretions of yesteryear is not enough. We need to recognize our deficit of faith while discovering  the warrior hidden deep within. Action on our part must be implemented to prevail over this malignant spirit whose sole mission is to destroy our hope, our destiny and more importantly our relationship with God. In order to find our place in the body, we have to change our thinking by allowing God to transform our minds.

The confession of our mistakes gives us strength to confront the condemnation we carry concerning former our deeds. When we hide it, we open the door for it to dominate our lives. Under the influence of fear, desperation emerges compelling us to cover up or hide our “sins”. This new taskmaster forces us into submitting to acts that are not pleasing to the Lord. Fear’s partner is pride. Pride coupled with the terror of being found out is the catalyst or reasoning used to justify unGodly actions once we’re driven to compromise. The past now reaches into our present by becoming a tremendous burden that threatens the future. If we truly want to be free from the past or any bondage, we must acknowledge our imperfections to tame the beasts which plague us. If not, it will dictate to us that we’re miserable failures who are incapable of success. We’re then robbed of our self esteem, our peace and ultimately our destiny.

The good news is the past never reveals that failure is the best teacher!

The lessons we learn from not succeeding in every attempted effort are invaluable. It keeps us humble before God and molds us into better human beings. We learn compassion, wisdom and empathy to share with others who need encouragement. It also compels us to re-examine who we are while challenging us to seek a deeper spiritual intimacy with God. Through a relationship with Him, we can determine why we failed in the first place in order to develop a winning agenda for our next endeavor. We also discover where our weaknesses lie so that we can cultivate a confidence bolstering strategy. I love the hope it births!

Through failure, God reminds us that every failed effort is not some shameful exploit.

It’s an opportunity to allow Him to show us the splendor of what we really were designed to be. Failing illustrates how trivial our accomplishments are when displaced from His will. Our goals have to be mirror images of His directives otherwise every pursuit of success on our part will indeed fail. The realization we need to embrace is that any accolade we attain in this earthly vessel is His victory, not ours. Without His constant unction operating in us, we’d never have a divinely purposeful thought or idea. We’d simply evolve into selfish, mindless automatons without vision or  direction. Failure challenges us to seek God for the tenacity to try again. We’re also reminded that the grandeur of anything we aspire to will never be the result of our own ability. It’s merely a manifestation of His illustrious anointing working through each of us.

He pulls the awesome, creative, anointed, illustrious part

We were all fabricated for greatness but only when we discover that our ultimate triumphs reside in Him. Failure is the vehicle that perfects us to our celebrated end. The real blessing is that we are purified for service through the heartbreak of our pain. I encourage you to make the decision to exchange the baggage of the past for a love relationship with the Father. You just might be surprised by what He pulls out of YOU!

Walk in your liberty child of the MOST HIGH GOD…


Denise Joyce Williams lives in Florida with her husband who is a career soldier. Her first book entitled, “The Healing Of A Broken Vessel” was released by Publish America in 2009. Her much anticipated second book entitled “Chambers Of The Believing Heart” is expected to be released in the spring of 2012.

Find Your Roar

Recently, I was watching a documentary on television and in it they were illustrating patterns of male lions. One of the facts that I found profoundly interesting was that the lion has a unique way of making his presence known. Many of us know lions roar, but what I was unaware of is that they first point their face toward the ground. Initially, I thought that was pointless. How would the roar be heard? However when he roars, the ground reverberates the sound which carries it for miles. Any animal within the lion’s perimeter is immediately alerted that the king of jungle is in their midst. I learned it is not just the sound of the roar alone that alerts them. However it is the noise as well as the vibration of the ground beneath them which makes them know to respect that the powerful creature that is near.

In our ever changing world today everyone seems to be “standing up” for something. We can gain a glimpse of what is important to an individual by observing the causes they passionately support. People who’ve measured the pros and cons of supporting their cause are usually willing to be uncomfortable, will submit to being jailed or in extreme cases martyred for their beliefs. They are determined, aggressive and steadfast in their convictions. Society advocates saving the whales, protesting wars, government rebellions or rally for the downtrodden. No matter the issue, we look for purpose to be fulfilled and many find what they believe to be their reason for living through supporting a cause. We find gratification in making an attempt to restore or repair a breach in society and God has embedded this desire into the recesses of our DNA. We were designed to minister to one another through nurturing interaction. These actions breed relationship for which we were designed!

Our personal convictions guide us into the decision making processes, while provoking us to ponder “What is worth my ROAR?” We need to look at what we are doing in our lives that causes a massive impact. What are we doing in body of Christ that causes a roar? What part of our salvation or faith filled works accomplishes the agenda that Jesus has commissioned? Are our agendas bringing glory to God? It is only His mandate that will cause a roar. It is His customized mission He’s prepared for you that will allow not only the sound that denotes physical presence, but a true connection to God. It is that assignment which compels the enemy to acknowledge that the presence of God almighty rests in, on and around us which he fears. We don’t make demons tremble because we say we are Christians, go to church, pay tithes, feed the hungry or take in the homeless. We coerce the devil to tremble through the ROAR God has given us! Power for us is found through the yoke breaking anointing that reconciles the lost back to Him.

We are truly the lion of Judah (Rev. 5:5), the lineage of King David. David was a warrior who had Judah’s roar. His praise was extreme, his worship pure and God made him a successful conqueror who overcame much adversity. Just as lions typically kill off threats to their pride (family); God allowed David to recover all that belonged to Israel and destroy any nation that would not respect their roar. The yoke breaking, miracle producing anointing that God has bestowed upon the body is our ROAR! It is what God has equipped us with in order to win souls. The enemy knows that he has no power against this pure, undefiled yet lethal anointing. We just have to count the cost and ROAR! Our God who goes before us into any cause, battle or territory will make our presence known so that those who oppose us are sure to feel defeat.

In this season, ask the Lord to help you find your ministry ROAR. Allow Him to cultivate you to a place of confidence so that you will, without hesitation offer your Roar in the body of Christ. When we all find our purpose and let God set the stage, our Roar will be felt while being effective in any endeavor we pursue. We are not without the tools needed to overcome. The economic desperation of this current dispensation provides us with a unique opportunity to show the world Jehovah Jireh is our powerful, omnipotent provider. He is our peace, our strong tower, our Judah, our ROAR. If you want to make an impact, find your divine purpose while experiencing a true sense of accomplishment. Gird up your loins and do whatever it takes to find your roar.

In closing I leave you with this: Man of God, Woman of God; I challenge you to seek the Lord without delay to FIND YOUR ROAR!
Dr. Denise J. Williams was born & raised in Brooklyn, NY. Her first book “The Healing Of A Broken Vessel” can be found on Her second book “The Chambers Of The Heart” is in production to be released in early 2012.