Transition to a Better You

Happy New Year! After all of the celebrations and holiday festivities, we have crossed over into 2023. As we now look toward the spring season of this New Year, we can reflect on what we’d like our future to resemble. As human beings, we are in a constant state of change. Many people, at the end of a year decide a change or transition is necessary in order to become a better version of themselves. This reflective look assists us in tapping into our emotional IQ. In addition, it can prompt us to become more intentional about how we live our lives and; how we impact the lives of those in our circle.

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The Prophetic Eclipse of 2017

The climate in America and the world is reaching a fever pitch. Confusion, hate, rioting and terrorist activity is erupting worldwide. As more subversive groups arise, people are living in fear. This demonic fear is driving even believers into making poor decisions by seeking comfort outside of Christ. In the wake of these horrendous events in which innocent people are being targeted and murdered, God is on the cusp of sending a word to the faithful. He is about to reveal His detailed message to those who have their ear to the ground; who are actively listening for His direction. Continue reading “The Prophetic Eclipse of 2017”

Is Deliverance A Thing of the Past?

The church in America is seriously under attack, this is nothing new. What is disturbing is that there are thousands upon thousands (I think I’m low balling this estimate here) of unprepared ministry leaders who are “trying” to operate in the arena of deliverance. Friends, this is a bad combination. It’s like being on a battlefield with a water pistol and you don’t even have any water. We are seeing a surge in new ministries but what we are not seeing more of is people who know how to worship and people who’ve experienced a radical, life changing deliverance. If we don’t have a measure of deliverance from bondages that hinder us, we are just a bunch of cheerleaders meeting every week that is ineffective in the Kingdom. I’m not mocking gathering at a church building at all. They are necessary for gaining instruction in the word and spiritual strength. However, we need to keep worship, prayer, and deliverance on our radar so that lives will be transformed. The true call of the church is to minister to the unsaved. Continue reading “Is Deliverance A Thing of the Past?”

He Shed, She Shed But What Has God Said?

chapterThis past weekend I attended a home and patio show in my city. One of the vendors was selling sheds. These were not the structures one would see anywhere in America that is usually placed in the backyard to house their gardening tools. He was selling sheds as a counterpart to the man cave concept. He asked me was I in the market for one and I politely declined. He inquired why while sharing how beautiful they are, how they offer a place of solace and serenity etc. I reiterated that I wouldn’t need one. I replied to him that I have a home. He seemed puzzled while becoming irritated that he obviously wouldn’t make a sale with me that day. I explained to him that separate spaces are not the answer for a happy family; no matter how beautifully arrayed the structure. At this point he rudely walked away. The idea followed me home and God began to deal with me about how our society seeks separateness, yet yearn for relationship. Continue reading “He Shed, She Shed But What Has God Said?”

Hearing the Heart of God

KeyWestIn our world where there is so much suffering it’s not surprising that people are looking for answers. Many are looking for a time and date for the end of the world in order to escape the tragedy that has engulfed our fallen generation. If we look at the scriptures, we’ll find the disciples asked the same question of Jesus in Matthew 24:3. They too, wanted to know when the end would come. They too, wanted an end to the suffering and persecution that they endured in their era. What comfort did they find?

The word of God has given us a detailed account of Continue reading “Hearing the Heart of God”

Pray On Demand

IMG_5316Around Christmastime last year, I received a phone call from the daughter of a lady I met while volunteering at a local nursing home. She had a multitude of health issues and as she recounted them, my heart went out to her. She was particularly upset that her medical problems and upcoming treatments would inhibit her ability to travel to Florida to see her Mom for the holidays. As she spoke, God whispered in my ear “Can you pray on demand?” I thought to myself what is praying on demand? How do I process this? This woman felt her prayers to God were unheard and that she was alone in this process she was experiencing. After pondering this thought for a bit, Continue reading “Pray On Demand”

Foundational Truths

BB2013I take great pride in letting people know I’m from New York City. In my opinion, it was the best place in the world to grow up. In NYC, there exists such a variety of cultures that make living there very exciting. I was raised in the borough of Brooklyn, NY yet love to share little known facts about New York City in general. Why? Because I love my city! Recently, while in attendance at a seminar Continue reading “Foundational Truths”

The Blessing of a Judas

Luke 22:47-49

It’s that time of year again. The spring season will be kicked off by Easter or Resurrection Day as some refer to it and I went to see a new movie about the life of Christ.  There is nothing new there; millions of us seem to become more spiritual at this time of year as it is hailed the MOST HOLY season. It’s considered a holier time of year than Christmas for many. What was most poignant for me during this film was that my heart focused on something new. Like most people, I usually focus on Christs’ death and resurrection, but not this time. Continue reading “The Blessing of a Judas”

Six Years And Counting!

Good friend of mine who has recently celebrated an important milestone!

Gary Goldstein's Blog

RecoveryYesterday marked six years that I have been clean & sober, and while I don’t really make a big deal out of it myself, I know the significance is the fact that other people in recovery can benefit by realizing that change IS possible – one day at a time.

When I was incarcerated from 1998 to 2004 in various correctional facilities in upstate New York, I started going to many Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and Gamblers Anonymous meetings because I was so disappointed with myself and upset over getting arrested for robbery, which I knew was a direct result of my past addictions to alcohol, drugs and gambling.

However, I had reservations about whether or not I was actually going to remain clean once I came home a free man, and, sure enough, about 18 months after that day finally arrived, I did suffer a relapse.

Fortunately, though, I…

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Why Don’t They Just Leave?

Anyone who is in an abuse situation needs our compassion, not our judgment to help them break free from the deadly cycle of physical abuse.

Inside Hubbard House

Young Woman Biting Her Finger NailOne of the most common questions we receive is “why do victims sometimes return to or stay with their abuser?” A better question is “why does the abuser choose to abuse?”

The deck is stacked against the victim when confronted with leaving or not. There are many different factors that can hinder a victim from leaving their abuser, including:

Love: An abuser rarely shows signs of violence in the beginning of a relationship, and once two people fall in love it can be very hard to let go.

Hope: Happy memories blended with promises of a change from the abuser creates hope that the abuse will stop.

Denial: Admitting that someone they love is hurting them can be very hard.

Blame: Abusers may blame the victim for the abusive behavior and make them feel like they are responsible and they deserve it.

Hopelessness: Victims may believe that they will never…

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