The Heartbeat of God is YOU!

Obligations…..we all have some. We are overbooked with deadlines, over worked at our jobs, over looked by peers and overwhelmed with family activities. We wonder sometimes how to meet our commitments and eek out some time for ourselves, family and friends. How can we pay all the bills, meet the need of our loved ones and be there for everything else without compromising our own peace and tranquility? In these stressful days, we’ve seemed to have lost the art of relationship. We don’t take walks with our spouses like we used to or take the kids to the park as often as we should. Even digging into a great book in our leisure time has become a lost pleasure for most of us. We are so consumed with duties but empty on how to relate to our fellowman. When do we just slow down, to take an inventory to re-evaluate the importance of all we do, or lack thereof?

God knows that there are essential tasks that have to be completed to sustain our lives but our society seems to have a deficit when meeting our commitment to Him. We remember to pay debts but fail to give praise to the one who has provided employment. We care for our families but many times are too busy to worship the one who keeps them healthy. Why do we seek to be blessed, yet ignore the one who sheds an abundance of grace on us each day?

Continue reading “The Heartbeat of God is YOU!”

He Shed, She Shed But What Has God Said?

chapterThis past weekend I attended a home and patio show in my city. One of the vendors was selling sheds. These were not the structures one would see anywhere in America that is usually placed in the backyard to house their gardening tools. He was selling sheds as a counterpart to the man cave concept. He asked me was I in the market for one and I politely declined. He inquired why while sharing how beautiful they are, how they offer a place of solace and serenity etc. I reiterated that I wouldn’t need one. I replied to him that I have a home. He seemed puzzled while becoming irritated that he obviously wouldn’t make a sale with me that day. I explained to him that separate spaces are not the answer for a happy family; no matter how beautifully arrayed the structure. At this point he rudely walked away. The idea followed me home and God began to deal with me about how our society seeks separateness, yet yearn for relationship. Continue reading “He Shed, She Shed But What Has God Said?”